At Godfrey Group Facilities, we know the importance of a clean school, for the pupils to learn, and the teachers to inspire within. We are also fundamentally aware of the importance of a clean school to Ofsted, prospective and current parents and for local authorities responsible for safeguarding children.
Children and teachers are toward the top of the list as those at the highest risks of picking up and transmitting infections, due to the high social contact of the school environment. We have all seen how easily a bug can spread throughout a class, causing absences in teachers and pupils alike. It is imperative for the health and wellbeing, as well as the educational advancements, of your pupils that the school is maintained in a way designed to drastically reduce the spread of bacteria.
At Godfrey Group Facilities, we adhere to EHO codes of conduct and have implemented colour coded cleaning across all sites. Colour coded cleaning allows us to drastically reduce the risk of the spread of bacteria from one area to another, allowing our cleaning teams to achieve the highest standards possible.
We have the ability to take on schools, boarding schools, nurseries and universities; including accommodation, kitchens, offices, classrooms, lecture theatres, gymnasiums, department foyers and bathrooms.
There is nothing more important than the safeguarding of children; we provide full background checks for all our cleaners and ensure that they are cooperative with the ethos of your educational establishment. We have the ability to monitor our cleaners’ progress throughout your school electronically, sending any issues directly, so that these may be eliminated as and when they arise.